Should I get a chromebook or windows laptop?

If you need a laptop that does internet and office work, a Chromebook is your best option. If you need a safer machine, choose a Chromebook. If you want a flexible system capable of juggling Android, Linux, some Windows, and the web, then the Chromebook is your best choice. You will be grateful that you did select a Chromebook over a Windows laptop.

Get a Chromebook if you mainly want to browse the web, email and stream video, and spend very little. Get a Windows laptop if you need to run dedicated programs and work with other Windows users. Get a Mac. Book if you want to a powerful, user-friendly laptop with a premium screen.

One of the next things we wondered was: should you buy a Chromebook or a Windows device for $300?

An answer is that there is no Windows device available in the market today for $300 that can provide you with the same performance as a similarly priced Chromebook. (Almost) No Virus Threat When it comes to Chrome OS, there is no such thing as a virus. You don’t need to install traditional apps on Chrome OS.

Of course, if you require specialist software for your everyday tasks, then a Chromebook might be a little underpowered for you. Photographers or designers who rely on the full version of Photoshop should still go for a Mac. Book or Windows laptop and serious gamers should still stick with a gaming laptop.

Are Chromebooks better than Windows laptops?

Chromebooks are More Affordable A Chromebook is one of the best budget laptop options available. This is one argument where Chromebook vs. Windows has an obvious winner. Chromebook’s always come out on top because you can utilize them for a lower cost than many Windows laptops while having almost the same performance level.

The key difference between Chromebooks and other laptops is the operating system. These laptops come with Google Chrome OS installed instead of the traditional Windows or mac, and os., chrome OS is rather like a mobile phone operating system and can only run apps from the Chrome Web Store or the Google Play Store.

Can you play games on a Chromebook?

You simply cannot run many of the games you might want to play on a Chromebook. Neither Windows 10 nor Chrome OS supports every file type ever made, but on Microsoft-powered machines, you have the option of downloading codecs to play those files on your laptop.