Can I delete jenkins workspace?

There is a way to cleanup workspace in Jenkins. You can clean up the workspace before build or after build. To clean up the workspace before build: Under Build Environment, check the box that says Delete workspace before build starts.

Another common question is “How to delete all workspaces of all Jenkins jobs at once?”.

You can run the below script in the Manage Jenkins→ Scripts Consolefor deleting the workspaces of all the jobs at one shot. We did this to clean up space on the file system., and import hudson., and model*.

You may be wondering “Is it safe to delete workspaces and job directories?”

Yes, you can delete the workspaces safely as well as jobs. The idea of the jobs directory is to allow you to display jobs history, if job history is not important for you then you can delete job directories from there.

Why does Jenkins keep running out of space?

Jul 30 ’19 at 11:20 @alphaguy Jenkins creates a new workspace for each build that you run, so if you don’t delete the workspaces then eventually your node will run out of space.

One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “What are file permissions on/var/lib/Jenkins/workspace?”.

– Ortomala Lokni Jun 10 ’18 at 12:06 Usually it’s either a permissionissue or your workspace is being used by another job – i., and e. If your job can be ran multiple times simultaneously and you haven’t added disable, concurrent, and builds().

Docker compose jenkins volume?

Using Docker Compose with volumes could help you ensure that your Jenkins data be safe even if the Docker container broke. Apart from backing up data, using Docker volumes allows you to also share Jenkins data between multiple containers. Keep on reading because, in this article, you will learn how to run Jenkins using Docker and Docker Compose.

Container_name: This is the name you want to assign to the container you are creating. In this example, the container name is my-jenkins-3. Now that you’ve saved the two Docker Compose files, you can now use them to start the two Jenkins Docker container instances. To start the my-jenkins-3 container, use the command below.

What does the–volumes argument do in Docker-Compose down?

According to the documentation this argument removes the named volumes declared in the volumes section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers. My cleanup script can now simply invoke docker-compose down –volumes. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

We have a number of docker-compose files which we are using for testing, and all of those write to a data directory relative to the project root, e., and g.