Linux is considered to be more secure than Windows. No antivirus is needed. Since it is open source, several developers are working on it and everyone can contribute code. It is likely that someone will find a vulnerability long before hackers can target a Linux distro.
Another popular question is “Should I use Linux or windows for server side coding?”.
“Coding” is a very ambiguous / vague description of what you are doing. It always helps providing as much information as possible. I have used linux since 2005. You can use either. However I would suggest Linux. You will learn a lot more about server side coding, OS internals and how librarys interact.
I learned Most people are using Windows as their main PC operating system. However, if you’re new to programming, you may see a lot of references to Linux byprofessionals in the field. This is also an operating system; in fact, one of the most popular, Android, according to the Linux official website, is powered by this OS. The decision is yours!
Should I learn to code on Mac OS or Linux?
It completely depends on what type. Of development you are doing. If you are a web developer or some sort of c or c++ developer then you should use UBUNTU. If you are a gui developer and want to develop some serious software not scripts or small program then you should prefer MACOS or windows. Linux is far superior for coding.
What are the advantages of Linux over windows?
It runs so much faster ., and so much. Applications written for Linux distros are generally much ” cleaner”, faster and less slimy than Windows counterparts. Even the free antivirus I used for years with Windows kept nagging me to download other (paid) software by the same company., and so slimy., and and apparently.
This of course begs the question “Why choose Linux over windows?”
, developer friendly Better Securitythe ways of FOSSmore customizationruns fastermore stableno automatic updates. Being able to truly “own” my devices.
Most linux users are people who know how to manage their systems efficiently. Linux has less crapware and bloatware by default (You never hear of a PC that came preloaded with a Linux OS along with OEM crap).. No actual viruses/virus scanners to slow down the system, and more items.
What programming languages are available in Linux?
Linux supports almost all of the programming languages such as Clojure, Python, Julia, Ruby, C, and C++ to name a few. The Linux terminal is better than Window’s command line. If you want to learn command line basics quick and super fast, you will find this course helpful. Here is a comprehensive guide to learn Linux command line for beginners.