Can I change my youtube channel name?

Go to change your profile picture on your google account. Once you are on Google+ then exit out of the profile picture. Press the edit button next to your current youtube name, then you can change your name . How can I change my You. Tube channel name unlimited times?

All of your You. Tube channel Name activity will still be stored with your Google Account and used in accordance with our privacy policy. Your Google Account is always your primary account; the You. Tube name is only your public persona on You, and tube. If playback doesn’t begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Another frequently asked query is “How many times can you change your YouTube name?”.

As of November 2018, when you change your You. Tube name through your Google account, Google states: “If you created your account more than 2 weeks ago, you can change your name up to 3 times in 90 days. If you created your account less than 2 weeks ago, you can change your name more often.”.

How do I Change my YouTube username and photo?

, and scroll down. If you use your Google Account name and photos for your You. Tube channel, you can update this information at any time. If you change it anywhere, it will also change the name and photo across all your Google services. To change your You. Tube username, you have to follow these steps: Sign in to your channel on You, and tube.

Are my YouTube channel name and profile picture the same?

, your you Tube channel name and picture will be your public identity on You. Tube and all publicly attributable actions will display your You. Tube channel name and profile picture, for example, in comments and on your channel page., your you Tube channel name and profile picture are not the same as your Google Account name and picture.