Guess what has more google searches game?

Think about what the most likely search phrases are and take a guess. Google Feud is a Google guessing game where you guess the ten most commonly searched phrases. Much like Family Feud, you’re allowed 3 incorrect guesses.

For example “Segways” (14,800 searches) is higher than “World Hunger” (590 searches). Our favourite part of all though is that Google itself has had 55,600,000 google searches. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that the game is extremely addictive.

A simple example would be a query like: What day is it …” – you need to finish this question based on what you think Google autocomplete would suggest. In this case “What day is it today? ” would probably be a safe bet. This Google search game is more fun than you could possibly imagine.

Are there any games on Google search?

Google Search by default has games hidden in it, which is a fact, not many Google users are aware of. Google has compiled some really authentic and entertaining games over a period of time, that can be played in Google. Com page itself without having to visit any other Web page.

Garden Gnomes is another game in Google Search that was developed as a doodle, the doodle does not exist anymore but you can still find the game in the doodle archives if you search “Garden Gnomes” in the Search bar. The doodle was released on 10th June 2018, when Google celebrated Garden day in Germany.

Why is Google Feud so popular?

People who have ever tried Google Feud play it on a regular basis because of how original, unpredictable and fun it is.

Then, how many correct answers do you need to play Google Feud?

My chosen answer was there are 10 correct answers that correspond with the engine’s autocomplete suggestions, and it’s up to you to figure them out. Let’s say your Google Feud game starts with word: “sparkling”. You need to type in what you imagine would be the most common search beginning with this phrase.