Where to find microsoft outlook version?

Click the File > Office Account firstly, and then click the About Outlook button, and you will get the version number at the top of popping up About Microsoft Outlook dialog box. See the following screen shots: Check Outlook version number in Outlook 2010.

This of course begs the inquiry “Which version of outlook do I have on my computer?”

Follow these steps to find out which version of Outlook is installed on your computer. If you don’t see Office Account, option, choose Help. You’ll see the product version on the right side of the page.

How to know the Outlook version on a phone or tablet?

On the left panel, click Settings. You will find the Outlook version at the bottom of this screen. After that, you have successfully known the Outlook version on a phone or a tablet. When managing data in Outlook, you may receive the error 0x80070021.

Windows OSStart Outlook/Word or any other Microsoft Office application. On the File menu, click Office Account or Account. Under Product Information, you’ll see the general version of Office installed on your computer. For complete version, click About Outlook/Word. A new window will appear. Click left arrow to return to Outlook/Word.

Another thing we asked ourselves was how do I know if my outlook is 32-bit or 64-bit?

If you need to know whether you’re using the 32-bit version or the 64-bit version of Outlook, select About Outlook. The top of the About Outlook box shows the version number and 32-bit or 64-bit distinction. Am I running Outlook for Microsoft 365 Current Channel or an Insider build?

When was microsoft outlook made?

First released in April 2014 by the venture capital -backed startup Acompli, the company was acquired by Microsoft in December 2014. On January 29, 2015, Acompli was re-branded as Outlook Mobile—sharing its name with the Microsoft Outlook desktop personal information manager and Outlook. Com email service.

When we were reading we ran into the query “When did Microsoft Outlook First Come on the market?”.

The brand was launched on July 10, 2017, for a superset of Office 365 with Windows 10 Enterprise licenses and other cloud-based security and device management products.

You might be wondering “What did Microsoft do to Outlook?”

Well, Microsoft Outlook is a personal information manager software system from Microsoft, available as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. Though primarily an email client, Outlook also includes such functions as calendaring, task managing, contact managing, note-taking, journal logging, and web browsing.. Individuals can use Outlook as a stand-alone application; organizations can deploy it as.

When did the first Microsoft Office came out?

The history of MS Office starts officially from November 19, 1990, when Office for Windows (also called MS Office 1.0) came out for use with Windows.