, your face Time may grey out due to a bug on your i, and phone. This issue could also result from a connection problem on your i. Phone or App settings. Unfortunately, an i. OS update will not fix this issue but you can try other adjustments to resolve it instead of waiting for an update.
Have you ever made Face. Time calls from the messages app, but the Face. Time video chat icon is greyed out in the messages app. It’s a bad experience bug on the i, and phone., from i OS 12.1.2 to i. OS 12.1.4, the i. OS update does not fix this issue. If you are also experiencing it, this article will help you solve it.
Why is FaceTime not working on my iPhone?
Another factor that prevents Face. Time from working normally is Restrictions. If you tap Enable Restrictions and turn off Face. Time on the “ALLOW” list, Face. Time will be unavailable and disappear on your Home Page. Therefore, slide to turn on Face. Time, and open contacts to see if the Face. Time icon works fine.
How to fix FaceTime not working on iPhone?
Go to i. Phone Settings -> Face. Time -> Tap the Face. Time Switch to turn off and turn on. Tape the Apple ID -> Sign Out -> then Sign in again with the same or different Apple ID. 4. Force quit the message. App If you are using i. Phone X and later, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and pause slightly in the middle of the screen.
Suppose you find Face. Time option are available in Settings, but not in Contacts, you may try to restart Face. Time: Go to Settings > Face, and time. If you see the button beside “Face. Time” is grey, Face. Time hasn’t been turned on. Just swipe the button right to make Face, and time available. If you see the button is green, then Face. Time is on.
How do I know if FaceTime is on or off?
If you see the button beside “Face. Time” is grey, Face. Time hasn’t been turned on. Just swipe the button right to make Face, and time available. If you see the button is green, then Face. Time is on.
How to use FaceTime on iPhone with 6661234?
If the phone number is 6661234, please add the country and area code for this contact. Then the Face. Time will work for this contact in messages. Make sure that your Face. Time is available in i, and phone settings. Go to i. Phone Settings -> Face. Time -> Tap the Face. Time Switch to turn off and turn on.