Have you ever made Face. Time calls from the messages app, but the Face. Time video chat icon is greyed out in the messages app. It’s a bad experience bug on the i, and phone., from i OS 12.1.2 to i. OS 12.1.4, the i. OS update does not fix this issue. If you are also experiencing it, this article will help you solve it.
If you don’t see the Face. Time setting, make sure that Camera and Face. Time aren’t off in Settings > Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions > Allowed Apps. Make sure that you have the correct phone number or email address listed.
Another factor that prevents Face. Time from working normally is Restrictions. If you tap Enable Restrictions and turn off Face. Time on the “ALLOW” list, Face. Time will be unavailable and disappear on your Home Page. Therefore, slide to turn on Face. Time, and open contacts to see if the Face. Time icon works fine.
For a Mac computer, you need to go to System Preferences > Screen Time > Content & Privacy, and go to the Apps tab to check both Camera and Face, and time. Perhaps, your firewall on your computer blocks some certain ports, causing Face. Time not working . This issue always happens when you are using a third-party firewall.
Why is my Group FaceTime not working?
, group face Time not working can also happen when there are so many members in the Group Face, and time chat. According to the official saying, Face. Time supports a group chat with up to 32 people at the same time. If the number exceeds 32, Group Face. Time not working can easily happen.
How do I know if FaceTime is on or off?
If you see the button beside “Face. Time” is grey, Face. Time hasn’t been turned on. Just swipe the button right to make Face, and time available. If you see the button is green, then Face. Time is on.
How to fix FaceTime authentication problems on Android devices?
Reactivate the Facetime app. By signing out and logging back into Facetime, you can fix the issues that are caused by authentication problems. In order to reactivate Facetime, you will need to go over to Settings > Scroll down and tap on Facetime. Firstly, you will need to toggle off the switch. After 1 minute, toggle on the switch.