, you Tube video quality and audio quality are different things. You can manage video quality settings on You. Tube without affecting audio quality. It means, when you change (increase/decrease) video quality on You. Tube, it will not affect audio quality.
Does YouTube audio quality affect video quality?
Due to this, the audio bitrate is not directly affected by video quality like in the past., rather, you Tube can stream the video and audio it deems appropriate for a given device and connection. It can also adjust one during playback without affecting the other.
, you Tube is lowering the video quality for all users, not just for Europe, in order to prevent a strain on internet networks across the globe. The change means You. Tube videos will default to standard definition, which displays the content at 720-by-480 resolution.
You could be thinking “Does YouTube audio quality change when video resolution changes?”
, you Tube audio quality is managed by You. Tube (you can not manage audio quality manually) and not affected by video resolution quality change., so, you Tube manages audio quality very well with video quality change and users not experience any change in audio quality.
Another popular question is “Does Youtube change audio bitrate after a video is uploaded?”.
Audio playback bitrate is not related to video resolution. So it seems audio quality is the same, irrespective of the selected video resolution. However, the audio quality will be as good (or bad) as the original video that was uploaded to You, and tube. Never mind my answer. @Psychogeek is right and You. Tube does indeed change audio bitrates and codec.
Does compressing audio affect video quality?
Since the audio and video is not two separated tracks, which is aligned and played simultaneously with each other, but rather one file format with both video and audio included. This means that the more compression you put on this one file, lowering the video quality that is, the more you’ll experience a decline in overall quality.
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was why do YouTube videos sound tinny when they get compressed?
The lower the quality, the more You. Tube compresses the video, which means small bits of data are being removed to get the video to you more efficiently. The consequence of this however is the audio quality suffers, especially on the high end, where sounds begin to sound tinny at lower quality.
What is the default video quality on YouTube?
By default, videos will start playing in standard definition ( 480p) quality, according to Bloomberg. People who want to watch videos in high definition can still do so, but they must manually select that option.
How does YouTube manage video resolution?
, you Tube automatically manages video resolution quality based on video content, device screen size and internet connection speed. You can also change video quality while you are watching it. When you change You. Tube video stream quality, the video stream serves with different frame rates based on your selection.