Does youtube lose money?

, you Tube is losing money even though it has more than 1 billion viewers Google bought the online TV website for $1.7billion nine years ago You. Tube’s infrastructure costs the company $3.8billion per.

Now the reason why there’s a BUT is…whenever people skip an ad, you (as the youtuber) makes only a fraction (more like one-third) of what you should originally make whenever the skip button is not pressed. And yes You. Tube still make money off Ads if people skip it.

How much money does YouTube make?

, you Tube is the top video site in the world, with more than a billion users and $4 billion in annual revenue. What it isn’t: Profitable, according to the Wall Street Journal. Some unnamed person at Google reportedly said that the site is “roughly break-even.”.

In general, You. Tubers typically charge around $10,000 per 100,000 views. It’s difficult to predict how many views a native video will get, so that is the risk an advertiser takes. Once the You. Tuber links Google Ad. Sense to their channel, they make 68% of the ad revenue (see Google Ad. Sense Revenue Share ).

Does youtube charge?

A standard You. Tube Premium subscription costs $11.99/month for one user. That’s just $2 more per month than Spotify Premium, and You. Tube Premium objectively offers a lot more value. It’s also considerably cheaper than a Netflix Standard plan, which now retails for $15.49/month.

No, if you own a You. Tube channel and people are watching and are subscribed to your channel, you will get payed from the viewers viewing. Originally Answered: Does it cost if you subscribe to a You, and tube video?, you Tube allows you to subscribe to channels, not videos.

Does Youtube charge a fee for live streaming?

Youtube does not charge for live streaming you just have 100 or more subscribers for doing that. Originally Answered: Does You. Tube charge for live streaming?

Another answer is understand unexpected billing charges If you are seeing an unexpected charge from You. Tube on your credit card or bank account, read below for why you may have been charged. I was charged too much Adjustment to the tax rate : You may see minor fluctuations in your monthly billing charge due to changes in tax rates related to your paid membership.

Why is YouTube so successful?

It would seem like a raging success : Some stars of the medium make significant amounts of money, companies use it as a powerful marketing tool, and Google harvests enormous amounts of user data that become marketing gold., you Tube is the top video site in the world, with more than a billion users and $4 billion in annual revenue.