Does smartsheet have an api?

The Smartsheet API enables licensed Smartsheet users to programmatically access and manage their organization’s Smartsheet account and data . It is designed to be simple and intuitive, and is based on widely accepted standards and conventions, including REST, JSON, and HTTP success and error codes.

Many Smartsheet API operations handle sheets, rows, columns, and cells. Each is identified by an Id and it is important to understand the relationship between these objects. Typically you loop through the columns to determine the Id of the columns you are interested in. Then you loop through the rows and contained cells to find actual values.

Another common query is “Is Smartsheet available in my language?”.

Our answer is that smartsheet is currently available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish (additional languages will be supported in the future). Your Language (Country) setting also dictates your default date format (e. g, mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy) and default thousands separator (comma or decimal).

Is Smartsheet’s documentation set still available?

While Smartsheet will no longer update this documentation set, it will remain available for a short time while users transition to the new documentation. To see Smartsheet’s current developer documentation, go to and bookmark Smartsheet API Reference, which now uses OpenAPI for API definitions and object modeling.

Another frequent query is “What is the Smartsheet SDK?”.

Smartsheet – Official API and SDK Documentation How to use the Smartsheet API to programatically read and write Smartsheet data. Includes getting started guide and complete reference information. Language SDKs provide client bindings for Java, C#, Python, Node. Js, and Ruby.

What columns does the Smartsheet API return as columns?

The Smartsheet grid user interface presents several row attributes and features visually as columns, for example, attachments, discussions, row action indicator, or row number. The API does not consider these to be columns, and does not return or otherwise expose them as columns. The only columns returned by the API are user data columns.

Does smartsheet autosave?

In Smartsheet, you save changes by clicking the Save button on the toolbar. The shortcut key for saving is Ctrl+S (Windows) or Cmd+S (Mac). To configure auto-save options, click Account > Personal Settings > Settings. When there are unsaved changes in the sheet, the Save button will be blue. Clicking the button when it’s blue will turn it grey.

When I was researching we ran into the query “How do I save a sheet in Smartsheet?”.

The shortcut key for saving is Ctrl+S (Windows) or Cmd+S (Mac) To configure auto-save options, click Account > Personal Settings > Settings. To save a sheet outside of Smartsheet, export it to a format of your choice.

, and auto-save settings. Auto-save after 3 minute of inactivity: Select this option to have Smartsheet automatically save any edits on an item that you have open as long as you haven’t clicked or typed anywhere within the Smartsheet window for 3 minutes.

How do I enable auto-save after 3 minutes of inactivity?

Auto-save after 3 minute of inactivity: Select this option to have Smartsheet automatically save any edits on an item that you have open as long as you haven’t clicked or typed anywhere within the Smartsheet window for 3 minutes.