Auto save works across all locations where Notion is available, including Android and i, and os. Keep in mind though that an internet connection is required to save the changes; anything altered offline will not be saved until the next time your device is connected to the internet.
You’ll find solace in the fact the changes you make automatically save in the background as you make them – like Evernote and Google Docs . Everything is stored in the cloud, with Notion creating a per-minute backup of the content on its server so you can revert to an old version – provided you’re a Personal Pro subscriber – at any time.
Does notion work offline?
Notion should let its users backup to Cloud services of their choice in readable formats. It’s not rocket science, an app that works offline will behave the same way whether or not you’re connected to the internet. If I wanted to take notes in Apple Notes, for example, I can just open the app and start typing.
It’s thus safe to conclude that Notion DOES NOT WORK OFFLINE. Of course, there might be workarounds for this, but those wouldn’t be necessary if it worked in the first place. When using multiple apps, if one malfunctions you lose a part of your life.
Does notion work on Android?
With Notion, when you close the app, you need an internet connection to get it started, which makes sense because it is a web-based app. It’s thus safe to conclude that Notion DOES NOT WORK OFFLINE. Of course, there might be workarounds for this, but those wouldn’t be necessary if it worked in the first place.
What is notion and how does it work?
Notion is a fabulous note-taking app. We hope to help you understand the different ways to use this powerful web-based note-taking app. Help us petition Notion to give us more control over the data we put on their servers. There are a lot of misconceptions about technology that prevent most people from getting the most out of them.
Another common query is “Is the notion app running slow?”.
Mobile app upgrade They released a slightly improved i. OS version of the Notion mobile app but it’s still slow, however, they are currently working on a “Quick Notes” feature for easily logging notes on mobile devices . The last update did introduce some faster performance improvements but nothing revolutionary.
Is there a way to view notion notes offline?
I recommend you check out Obsidian notes which uses Markdown. You can atleast have notes offline and view it in a clean way. Wouldn’t a simple half-solution be to let Notion export – not to your hard-drive – but to Files within i, and os. Could even be text only, ignore attachments at first.
Almost everyone has at least one app that can open and read PDFs. However, in Notion, that option is only available for their most expensive subscriptions. This means your notes are trapped in the app unless you can appreciate Markdown, CVS and HTML formats. I exported my workspace from Notion, firstly as a Markdown and CVS.