, face Time does not alert the other person if you record the call using the built-in screen recorder.
And yes, I have made sure that record audio is on. The microphone is automatically disabled on the built-in screen recording when you are using any type of communication services like the Phone, Face. Time, or Skype. I assume this is due to wire-tapping laws around the world, but that’s the way it’s made.
How do I record a FaceTime call on iOS 14?
Before recording a Face. Time call, you will also need to add the Screen Recording button to your Control Center Menu. For this how-to, will be using i, and os 14. For best results, ensure your device is running i, and os 14. If it’s not, go ahead and update to i, and os 14. Here’s how to add Screen Record to your Control Center: Tap on Control Center.
Once you click on the gray dot on the screen, a countdown will begin to start the recording. In order to record the audio from your Face. Time video, hold the ‘screen recording’ option in your control center until the option to turn on the microphone appears on the screen.
, face Time is easily one of the best features of the i, and phone. It’s easy to use, high quality and as long as you have a decent network connection it works flawlessly. However, the shift from written messages to telephone and then to video as our standard default way of communication has raised many questions in the public mind regarding privacy.
Why doesn’t FaceTime have a one-stop eavesdropping feature on it?
This is normal behavior for Face. Time, Skype, and pretty much all other video chats as well. Apparently Apple wants to err on the side of caution in not permitting a one-stop eavesdropping mechanism.