Why does facetime audio cut out when I talk?

To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question. In the last few weeks I have had several friends/family members tell me that during facetime calls my voice constantly cuts in and out. I got this phone in December, an 11 Pro and have had no issues until recently.

Why does my facetime audio keep cutting out?

When making a call, you expect the call to be consistent but this is may not always be the case with Face, and time. Therefore, you may wonder why you keep cutting out on Face, and time. You are probably cutting out on Face. Time on your i. Phone, Mac, or i. Pad due to a network issue, software problem, or issues with your settings.

It’s my understanding that when on Face. Time calls the audio becomes choppy, but there’s no audio issue when recording videos. You’ve tried great steps to resolve this issue. I’m happy to help. It’s very possible your Wi-Fi connection could be causing this issue.

If there’s a TV on or anything in the background of a recipients call, the mic cuts out constantly in what I assume is an attempt to reduce extra sound. It’s done this on more than one phone, so pretty sure it isn’t isolated to the 12PM No we couldn’t connect it to background noise. Doesn’t seem to matter if it’s loud or quiet it will cut out.

Does your iPhone 12 have FaceTime audio problems?

And it is not isolated to i, and phone 12. Having the same problem, specifically when people on the other end have any background noise going. Exact same scenario here. No issue on Face. Time with any other i. Phone though, only the 12.

Why is FaceTime on my iPhone running slow?

If your cellular connection or Wi-Fi network are running slow, or other users are streaming audio or video on the same Wi-Fi network, you might have these issues: Make sure that both you and the person that you’re calling are using a fast Wi-Fi or cellular connection. If you’re using Wi-Fi, Face. Time requires a broadband connection.

Why is the iPhone 11 audio cutting in and out?

Now the audio from the i. Phone 11 is cutting in and out for the user of the i. Phone 11 Pro. When Talking at the same time, the i. Phone 11 Pro user cannot hear the i. Phone 11 user. Interestingly, this issue does not occur for the i. Phone 11 user. But it definitely seems related to the upgrade to i, and os 144.

What happens when you call someone on FaceTime?

– when you call someone they don’t get notified of an incoming Face. Time call (tested on multiple wifi networks, all with u. Pn. P and QOS) – when someone calls you, it only rings for a split second and then stops before you get to answer.