Android beginners often assume that services run in a separate thread because they are designed to run background tasks. This is not the case! By default a service will be called on the main thread. This confusion often arises because the main thread is referred to as UI thread and services are supposed to run in the background.
I never thought that it can run on the main thread. Here is the caution of service in the dev pages about. Caution: A service runs in the main thread of its hosting process—the service does not create its own thread and does not run in a separate process (unless you specify otherwise).
What is the difference between thread and service in Android?
In these cases, Android Services are the right Android component to use to match up the Thread’s lifecycle with that of the Service’s lifecycle. A Service is an Android application component without a UI that runs on the main thread (of the hosting process). It also has to be declared in the Android, and manifest., and xml.
What is a service in Android?
In Android, a Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background on the UI thread. By background, it means that it doesn’t have a user interface.
What is the main thread in Android?
This main thread, also known as the UI thread, is responsible for everything that happens onscreen. Understanding how it works can help you design your app to use the main thread for the best possible performance.
What happens when a thread stops in Android?
And when the Thread stops it has to call stop, and self (). The Service’s on. Destroy () method is called by the Android system only when you’ve let the service know that it’s time stop.
How android support multi threading?
The most preferred way of implementing it (other than Thread Pool and Executor) is Async, task async Task allows you to implement do, in Background (), where your thread can crank away at its task. This is similar to the functionality you’d get from Thread.
What are the applications of multiple threads in programming?
Applications which involve mechanism like validate and save, produce and consume, read and validate are done in multiple threads. Few examples of such applications are online banking, recharges, etc. It can be used to make games where different elements are running on different threads.
Some authors claimed we can achieve basic functionality of a thread by extending Thread class because it provides some inbuilt methods like yield (), interrupt () etc. that are not available in Runnable interface. Using runnable will give you an object that can be shared amongst multiple threads. This article is contributed by Mehak Narang.