The OS on many Android devices is Google-owned at its core but is often the product of heavy customization by manufacturers. Samsung’s One UI is a good example — it may be based on Android, but its look, interface, and features are largely Samsung’s. There are also some versions of Android with only a modest link to Google.
Unlike Google or some LG devices Samsung do not use Stock Android (Developed solely by google), instead they use their own UI on overriding the default Android UI, its called Touch. Wiz UI. Development by Samsung. Roots go back to BADA OS of Samsung Wave mobiles which is why you may find some similarities in the Samsung smartphones.
Samsung phones are the most popular Android-based smartphones in many markets, including here in the United States. By multiple metrics, Samsung is the biggest electronics company in the world.
While researching we ran into the query “Does Samsung use Google’s Android OS?”.
Samsung uses Android OS on their Smartphones, but it has nothing to do with Google owning Samsung.. Many other companies are free to use Google’s Android OS. Google does not own Samsung, I’m not even sure they can afford to buy Samsung which is a very successful company that sells all kinds of applicances, electronics, life insurance, etc.
Are there any Samsung phones that don’t have Android?
There are non-smartphone mobile devices from Samsung that don’t have Android, but all of its major smartphones will come with Android as the platform. If the word “Galaxy” is in the name of the phone, it is assured that it runs on Android.
Why doesn’t Samsung have its own operating system?
Firstly, Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google based on Linux kernal, so Samsung can’t have their own android. It is same as it can’t have its own Windows which is a Microsoft product, although the source code of android is available online so anyone can develop their own os based on android.
Is an Android phone a smartphone?
The answer is YES. All Android phones run on the powerful Android Operating System and are considered Smartphones. So when choosing a smartphone the Operating System is one of the first puzzles to solve and will get the ball rolling towards your final choice.
What is an Android device?
Android is a software developed by Google that runs on phones, tablets, and other smart devices which is why you’ll often here people saying “It’s an Android! ” or something of the sort. One reason that Samsung and Android are commonly mistaken as the same thing is because all Samsung phones and tablets run on the Android opera.
What are the most popular Android smartphones in the US?
There are dozens of prominent Android smartphone manufacturers around the world, but in most areas, Samsung is the top dog. Samsung phones are the most popular Android-based smartphones in many markets, including here in the United States. By multiple metrics, Samsung is the biggest electronics company in the world.