Why does android 21 look like buu?

Due to her Majin DNA, Android 21 can turn people into food, much like Buu. She displays a modified version of this form and she tends to turn people into various desserts. She also explains that the food that they turn into is dependent on the individual’s power and personality, which is interesting. It could be a real litmus test for someone.

Android 21 is able to transform into a form that resembles a Majin in body color and attire, though she also possesses white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and a tail similar to final form Frieza. In this state her evil side remains in control, she has red eyes and black sclera and having pink-white hair.

What is the meaning of Android 21?

Android 21 (人造人間21号, Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō, lit. “Artificial Human No. 21“) is an Android who appears as the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Fighter. Z when in her evil persona. Her intellect rivals that of Dr. Gero, though she may be even smarter than he was.

Who is Android 21 (good)?

Android 21 (Good) (人造人間21号, Jinzōningen Nijūichi-Gō) is the true persona of Android 21. She, along with Android 18, are the main protagonists in the Android 21 Arc.

Main article: Android 21 (Good) Android 21 (Good) is the result of Android 21 after releasing her evil hunger persona. While strong, She is considerably weaker than her evil half, which took most of her power.

You might be thinking “Is Android 21 good or evil in Dragon Ball?”

In Dragon Ball Legends Android 21 can transform from her Transformed state into the form her evil side obtained when she absorbed Cell. Android 21 ( Good) Main article: Android 21 (Good) Android 21 (Good) is the result of Android 21 after releasing her evil hunger persona.

How did Android 21 get her human form?

This ability was apparently inherited from her Majin cells instead of her Namekian Cells, as the good and evil halves are not life linked as revealed the good half reveals during a special conversation with Piccolo and Tien. A form representing Android 21’s original human self.

Is android 21 canon?

So to answer the question at hand, Android 21 is unarguably canon, but only exists within the continuity of whichever media she appears in (just Fighter. Z, Dokkan Battle, Heroes and XV2 so far). “And you see where that can lead you, into what mistakes and absurdities, when you are dealing with a man like Arsene Lupin.”.

Is Android 21 canon in FighterZ?

Taking place in-between the Universe 6 arc and the Universal Survival arc (right after Gohan came back to full power, but before officially fighting the other universes), this story is technically non-canon unfortunately given its three distinct arcs with three different endings. But in Fighter. Z, Android 21 serves as the main villain of the story.

Sadly, it’s unlikely that Android 21 could make her way into the canon as she is now. She does appear in Dragon Ball: Kakarot in a cameo at Capsule Corp, finding a way to tie her to the greater storyline. The biggest hiccup is the return of Frieza, which is a major plot beat in the Dragon Ball Super “Tournament of Power” Saga.