Bash stands for Bourne Again Shell and it is the default shell on many Linux distributions today. It is also a sh -compatible shell and offers practical improvements over sh for programming and interactive use which includes: Command line editing. What is the default shell in Unix?
One answer is, the Linux is a code that transmits the system commands, Compilers, Editors, linkers and command-line interpreters are important and useful but they are not part of the operating system.
Both Linux and Unix provides various shell out of the box. One can find bash (Bourne Again shell), ksh (Korn shell), csh (C shell)/tcsh (TC shell), sh (Bourne shell) and more installed by default.
Which Linux shell should I Choose?
Today, there is a host of the shell that accompanies any LINUX system, and you can select the one you like the most. Besides the Bourne shell which is the most popular in the LINUX world, the C and Korn shells have also carved out a niche for themselves, because of certain inherent advantages.
How do I know what shell is being used in Linux?
The easiest way to find out what shell is being used is to type the following command syntax at the command line prompt: echo $SHELL. Yes, that is $SHELL in all caps, case matters in the unix world.
Commonly used for listing running processes, the ps command in its basic format sheds light on the shell that you are using. Simply execute the command: From the first line of the output, we can clearly see the PID of the shell and the last column prints out the type of shell, in this case – bash.
You can get the version of the shell simply by adding –version after the name of your running shell. For example, if you are running zsh, you can use this:.
What is the default shell type in C?
The C shell is known by the program csh, the Korn shell by ksh and the bourne shell by sh. If you wish to use any of the above shell types as the default shell, then the variable needs to be assigned accordingly. However, this assignment is made by the system after reading a field in the file /etc./passwd.