Chromebooks are laptops, detachables and tablets powered by Chrome OS: the operating system that is speedy, smart and secure.
What is a Chromebook laptop?
Instead of a Windows 10 or mac. OS laptop, Chromebooks run Google’s Chrome OS. Originally seen as a platform built around Google’s cloud apps (Chrome, Gmail, etc), Chrome OS has done well in the education market. Over time, however, the appeal for Chromebooks has widened, and the best Chromebooks are some of the best laptops overall today.
A Chromebook is a lightweight laptop that lets you do typical processes, such as checking your e-mail, browsing the web, watching and listening to content, creating reports, and browsing social media pages. A more substantial laptop will help you if you need to do all of the above, plus some more heavy-duty applications.
Chrome OS used to pretty much be a glorified browser, but things have changed in recent years. Chromebooks can now run Android apps, and some even support Linux applications. This makes Chrome OS laptops helpful for doing more than simply browsing the web.
Are all Chromebooks the same?
Several years ago, all Chromebooks were pretty much the same regardless of what company made them. Now, there’s a far greater variety of laptops and two-in-ones — convertibles and tablets — to take advantage of Chrome OS’s current capabilities.
Are Chromebooks compatible with Windows or Mac software?
Along those lines, Chromebooks are not natively compatible with Windows or Mac software. You can use VMware on Chromebooks to run Windows applications and there’s support for Linux software, too. Plus, current models can run Android apps and there are also web apps that are available through Google’s Chrome Web Store.
What should I consider when buying a Chromebook?
There are a few things to consider before buying a Chromebook, however, like their limited hardware and overall capabilities. Read on to learn about how Chromebooks operate and perform compared to other options. What is a Chromebook?, while mac Books are laptops that run Apple’s Mac. OS, Chromebooks are laptops that run Google’s Chrome OS.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Should you buy a Chromebook or a tablet for work?”.
Lightweight laptops like a Chromebook have advantages in certain situations. They’re particularly practical when working in surroundings with a surface, for example. On your lap or at a desk, a laptop will almost always be easier to use than a tablet with a docked keyboard. That’s because tablets tend to be top-heavy.
How much does a Chromebook cost?
Chromebooks are known for being inexpensive, generally priced lower than the average laptop, and even the average tablet. You can expect to pick one up for around $200, although they can go lower if you can find one on clearance, or pick up an older model.