Category: Ubuntu

Does ubuntu have chrome?

So, although Ubuntu doesn’t have Google Chrome in any of the standard Ubuntu repositories, you can still use apt to upgrade Chrome . The command to use is: sudo apt install google-chrome-stable. Another frequent question is “Is there an open source Chrome browser for Ubuntu?”. Chrome is not an open-source browser, and it is not […]

Which version of ubuntu should I use?

Ubuntu or Ubuntu Default or Ubuntu GNOME. This is the default Ubuntu version with a unique user experience. A few more items to keep in mind are: ubuntu mate ubuntu budgie, lubuntu, ubuntu kylin, ubuntu unity aka ubuntu 1604, kubuntu is the kde version of ubuntu, xubuntu uses the xfce desktop environment, ubuntu studio, kubuntu, […]

Can ubuntu run java?

By default, Ubuntu does not come with Java (or the Java Runtime Environment, JRE) installed. However, you may need it for some programs or games like Minecraft. We will show you how to quickly and easily check if Java is installed and how to install it. It doesn’t work! So you have to be sure […]

What does ubuntu do?

At Ubuntu’s heart is the Linux kernel. Ubuntu relies on the architecture of Linux to communicate with a computer’s hardware so that software can do what it’s supposed to do. Ubuntu commands follow the rules and procedures that hundreds of other Linux distros also use. While I was researching we ran into the question “What […]

What does ubuntu server do?

Ubuntu Server is a server operating system, developed by Canonical and open source programmers around the world, that works with nearly any hardware or virtualization platform. It can serve up websites, file shares, and containers, as well as expand your company offerings with an incredible cloud presence. One benefit that makes Ubuntu Server so appealing […]

Will ubuntu amd64 work on intel?

Intel uses the same 64-bit instruction set as AMD . 64-bit Ubuntu will work fine. The 64-bit instruction set currently used in desktop computers was invented by AMD, which is why it’s sometimes referred to as “amd64”, even though it is used by both AMD and Intel processors . A frequent question we ran across […]