Category: Photoshop

How to photoshop gimp?

The Quick Guide to Making a Logo in GIMP. Step 2: Close GIMP and use a different program from the list below. Step 3: If you are absolutely keen to make a logo in GIMP, check out the 4 tips below. That might seem a bit harsh, but GIMP really, really, should not be used […]

How to photoshop stencil?

Supplies for Making your own Stencilpattern/design of your choicetransparency, xacto knife Piece of thick cardboard or cutting mat. Did you make this project? Share it with us! We have a be nice policy. How to Deal with Interior Cutouts. Label them with a piece of tape. Otherwise you won’t know which cutout goes in which […]

Does photoshop run on linux?

Alternatively, you may run Adobe Photoshop on Linux using Wine and Play, on, and linux. However, CC 2015 does not. You can also run Adobe Photoshop CS4, CS6, and Lightroom 5 on Linux using Wine. Another thing we wondered was does Adobe Photoshop CC run on Linux? However, CC 2015 does not. You can also […]

Does photoshop automatically save files?

But Adobe Photoshop software does have an auto-save feature. When you suddenly lose power, Photoshop software crashes, or something else goes wrong, the Adobe Photoshop auto save function will activate automatically and create a backup of the file you were working on. Believing in the program’s reliability, people often do not make a point of […]

How to photoshop snow?

Let’s add some depth to our falling snow by creating a second layer of it, this time with bigger snowflakes so they’ll look like they were closer to the camera. To do that, we need to make a copy of our Snow smart object . In the Layers panel, click on the smart object and […]