Category: Microsoft edge

Will microsoft edge end?

Microsoft Edge Legacy support will end on March 9, 2021. Edge Legacy will nonger receive security updates after its sunset date. Microsoft is pushing people towards the new Microsoft Edge built on Chromium. Another popular question is “When is Microsoft Edge ending support?”. This is what my research found. microsoft’s new Edge browser has surged […]

Why microsoft edge pdf?

If you are looking to always open PDF files directly in the Edge browser, you need to make it your default browser. To do so, right-click on any PDF file in File Explorer. Select Open with > Choose another app. From the pop-up window that opens, select Microsoft Edge. Then check the box next to […]

Why microsoft edge use high cpu?

[Solution] How to Fix High CPU Usage on Microsoft Edge Use an alternative to Microsoft Edge Before going through the hassle of trying to fix Microsoft Edge, maybe you should consider replacing it with a much more stable alternative. Scan for malware The presence of a malicious infection might be another possible reason. Clear browser’s […]