As a Mac Virtual Assistant, I am always trying out and learning almost every piece of Mac software that I can get my hands on! Try blocking out some “you” time on your calendar. Sit in a comfy chair with your favorite beverage and work out where you want to be at this same time […]
Category: Macos
Where does macos store screenshots?
You should now know the answer to ‘where are Mac screenshots saved.’ When you take a screenshot or screen recording on your Mac, it is stored on the Desktop by default and given a name that includes the date and time it was taken to help you identify it. However, you can easily change the […]
When macos monterey?
, mac OS 12 Monterey, unveiled in June 2021 at WWDC, is the current version of mac. OS that was released on Monday, October 25. Compared to mac. OS Big Sur, mac. OS Monterey is a smaller update, but there are still many notable new features that improve the Mac experience. While we don’t have […]
Can a macos system be downloaded on win10 pc?
Well, if you’re primary computer is a Windows 10 based one, you can technically install mac. OS on it depending on the hardware. . However, if your primary computer happens to be a Mac, the options are a bit limited. The traditional method to run Windows 10 is to use Apple’s own Bootcamp assistant . […]
Does macos include antivirus?
, mac OS includes built-in antivirus technology called XProtect for the signature-based detection of malware. The system uses YARA signatures, a tool used to conduct signature-based detection of malware, which Apple updates regularly. This is what I learned. the name of the Mac. OS anti-Virus is X-Protect. It does come pre-Installed, and gets automatic updates […]
Which language is macos written in?
MAC OS is a unix based OS with graphical user interface as it is a unix based OS it is Written in C along with C++ ,. Objective C ,, and swift. Kernel written in C, some parts in assembly. Mac OS X, at the kernel layer, is mostly an older, free operating system called […]
Which macos required apfs?
APFS (the full name is Apple File System) is a proprietary file system released by Apple Inc. It can be used on different devices running mac. OS High Sierra (10.13) and later, i. OS 10.3 and later, all versions of i, pad, os, watch OS 3.2 and later, or tv. OS 10.2 and later. While […]
Is macos better than windows 10?
Mac is better than Windows as it provides several time saving and performance enhancing tips to its enterprise users to make the most out of their work day., mac OS’s whois command is a highly convenient tool for users who often work with tasks such as web registration, development, design, and hosting. Which is better […]
Why is macos bad for gaming?
Well, the answer is that their hardware is not cut out for gaming. It’s not powerful enough to run all the games for the serious gamer. To make matter worse, their OS isn’t very popular when it comes to games. Macs are not for gaming. Macs are built to certain specs, as well as tightly […]
How long does macos big sur take to install?
As per the users reporting on several social media portals, the Big Sur update for Apple Mac. Book 30 to 45 minutes generally to install. The Big Sur update is about 12 GB. Some users with better internet connection mentioned that the update took just 20 minutes for the complete installation. Another popular inquiry is […]