Category: Jira

Is jira open source software?

Jira is an open -source software tool used for managing project tasks, issue tracking and other issues related to software and mobile applications. It is a platform-independent tool; that can be worked with different types of operating systems. Another common question is “What do companies use Jira?”. Some articles claimed Companies and teams that use […]

When was jira released?

In JIRA, versions are intended to indicate an actual version of your software (2.3. However, depending on how your software is being delivered, you could also use releases in this field. What is a release in Jira software? A new menu item, Releases, will be added to the left-hand project menu. In Jira Software, each […]

How to delete a jira ticket?

“How to delete an issue from JIRA?” basically, if you have the necessary permissions then in the detailed issue view click on ellipses in upper right and select Delete. How do I delete a ticket? Open the ticket that you want to delete. Click the Ticket options menu in the upper right, then select Delete. […]

Can jira be used for portfolio management?

Jira is not a Project Portfolio Management Software. Designed by developers for developers. PPM Express adds Portfolio Visibility, Portfolio Management, Prioritization, Resource Planning, Budgeting and Executive Reporting to the Jira Software to make your Organization More Efficient and you become a Better Leader. Jira for asset management. IT organizations have the challenge of ensuring system […]

Why jira is used in projects?

Jira was mainly created for serving the purpose of project management and bug tracking in the software development field. Jira is also used as a ticketing tool during software development for tracking the errors and bugs related to the software and mobile apps. It helps to manage, plan, and monitor the agile software development practices. […]

How to recover jira I was creating?

Unfortunately, the only way to restore an issue is to restore a backup of your JIRA instance that contains the issue, you would still lose the history though. I would advise removing the delete permission from all but a select few administrative users. Jira will be locked. This means that the startup process failed to […]

What is jira workflow?

Working with workflows A Jira workflow is a set of statuses and transitions that an issue moves through during its lifecycle and typically represents processes within your organization. There are default built-in workflows that cannot be edited; however, you can copy and use these workflows to create your own. This of course begs the inquiry […]