Category: Imessage

If you delete an imessage does it unsend?

While many messaging apps have this feature, unfortunately, you can’t delete an i. Message that’s already been sent so that it gets unsent or deleted from the other person’s phone too. Although there is an instance where you can delete an i. Message and prevent it from sending. Deleting the message physically will help you […]

Why are imessages being sent as text?

As mentioned previously, an i. Message sent as a text message is usually indicative of a network issue. If your i. Message doesn’t have a “Delivered” message underneath it, but previous ones in the conversation did, then this could be an indication that you have been blocked. Does iMessage say sent as text message? Yes, […]

Does imessage take data?

, however, i Message does use data, so if you are on a monthly data plan but have unlimited SMS text messages, you may want to stick with SMS., i Message isn’t enabled by default on an i. Phone, but when you first set up the phone, you have the option to switch it on. […]

How to imessage international numbers?

To send an international voice text, simply dial *8900 then the recipient’s 8-digit mobile number (e. g. *890016045678999). The subscriber will then be prompted to record a 30-second message. Does Imessage work overseas? We discovered to text internationally via i. Message, first turn off your Cellular Data. Next, check that your i. Message app is […]

Are imessage texts encrypted?

, i Messages are texts, photos, or videos that you send to another i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac over Wi-Fi or cellular-data networks. These messages are always encrypted and appear in blue text bubbles. To turn i. Message on or off, go to Settings > Messages. One way to think about […]