Category: Google chrome

Do google chrome need antivirus?

The reality is that your Chromebook and Chrome OS, in general, do not require a persistent antivirus program, as you would install on Windows or mac, and os. The built-in protections mean your Chromebook is one of the safest computers around. You also need browser-specific antivirus software to provide additional protection while browsing the internet. […]

How can I make google chrome my default?

Next, click on the ‘Settings’ option from the overflow menu. After that, click on the ‘Default browser’ option situated on the left section of the Chrome window. Now, click on the ‘Make default’ button present on the screen. After clicking on the ‘Make default’ button in Chrome, your ‘Default Apps’ window in the system ‘Settings’ […]

Can google chrome read out loud?

You can hear full pages read aloud with Chromebook’s built-in screen reader or hear parts of a page, including specific words, read aloud with Select-to- speak . To have pages read aloud to you, turn on your Chromebook’s built-in screen reader: At the bottom right, select the time. Another thing we wanted the answer to […]

Why google chrome has stopped working?

There could be a number of reasons for “Google Chrome has stopped working” error on a windows computer, ranging from high resource usage due to multiple open tabs, network connectivity issues to incompatible browser extensions or programs on your computer. When your computer’s system file was broken or corrupted, it may cause problems. “Google Chrome […]