Category: Google chrome

Why google chrome so slow?

Google Chrome, one of the best and most popular web browsers that offer wonderful performance, could also let you down sometimes. Lots of users said they have ever bothered by slow Chrome: the Chrome loading slow, freezing, and running slow. You might be wondering “Why are my chrome pages loading slowly?” The extensions or blockers […]

Does google chrome have read aloud?

You can hear full pages read aloud with Chromebook’s built-in screen reader or hear parts of a page, including specific words, read aloud with Select-to- speak . To have pages read aloud to you, turn on your Chromebook’s built-in screen reader: At the bottom right, select the time. Make Google Chrome Read Text Aloud to […]

Why is my google chrome not responding?

The first thing you should check before you worry about troubleshooting Chrome is whether your internet connection is down. One of the most common reasons Chrome stops responding is because the tabs you’ve closed over time never actually closed the process. Another common issue that causes Chrome to crash or freeze are malicious or poorly […]

Does google chrome use java?

Like other internet browsers, Google Chrome supports Java. Script, which is activated to display certain functions or interactive elements like ad banners on Java-based websites. In this guide, we will provide you with a breakdown of what Java. Script is all about and how you can either enable or disable this feature on your Google […]

Does google chrome allow java?

Newer Chrome versions don’t support Java, so you’ll need a plug-in. Enable Java by installing the IE Tab Chrome extension and following the on-screen instructions. Or, install the Cheerp. J Applet Runner Chrome extension to run Java applets from within Chrome. Why doesn’t Chrome support Java? When we load a website or a web service […]