Category: Google chrome

Is google chrome down 2021?

A web application for Google Chrome web browser — Chrome App will also be discontinued for Windows, Mac and Linux by June 2021. While the news was out in 2016, the total phasing out will happen this year. That said, the Chrome Enterprise and Chrome Education Upgrade users will have access to the app till […]

Why google chrome says oh snap?

By having too many tabs open, there isn’t enough memory and as a result, Chrome will show you Aw, Snap!, and error message. Other possible causes for the Aw, Snap! Error in Google Chrome can be problems with your antivirus or with Chrome’s extensions. Google Chrome Fix “Aw, Snap!” page crashes and other page loading […]

Why is google chrome freezing?

The first thing you should check before you worry about troubleshooting Chrome is whether your internet connection is down. One of the most common reasons Chrome stops responding is because the tabs you’ve closed over time never actually closed the process. Another common issue that causes Chrome to crash or freeze are malicious or poorly […]

Why my google chrome not working?

If your computer meets the Windows system requirements above, but Chrome isn’t starting or you see the error message “This computer will no longer receive Google Chrome updates because Windows XP and Windows Vista are no longer supported,” you might have Chrome set to run in Windows’ Compatibility Mode. Why Google Chrome keeps not responding […]