Category: Anaplan

What is anaplan used for?

Anaplan is a Web-based enterprise platform for business planning. Anaplan is also the name of the company that created the platform. Anaplan, whose name combines the words “analysis” and “planning,” is known for its in-memory database and calculation engine called Hyper, and block. Another frequently asked inquiry is “What is Anaplan?”. Anaplan is a Web-based […]

What is anaplan model builder?

Anaplan is best viewed as a platform that enables planning and running your business. Since there is no code or custom development needed, the platform is very flexible and extendable to your business needs, which is why your Model Builder must have a strong understanding of the goals your models must achieve. Another thing we […]

What is an anaplan model?

Anaplan is the platform that empowers you to take control of your outcomes with multi-dimensional scenarios at every scale of your business. Model potential outcomes based on real-time operational metrics and projected strategies, while sharing insights with users across your business so you can act with informed confidence time and again. What is the Anaplan […]

How does anaplan work?

As a purpose-built platform connecting people, data, and plans, Anaplan delivers a unified real-time, cloud-based environment to optimize planning and democratize decision-making across all lines of business and business activities, from strategic to operational levels. Leveraging the speed and scale of the platform, Anaplan offers businesses a nimble, intuitive, and secure way to collaborate concurrently […]

What is anaplan platform?

What is Anaplan Anaplan is a Web-based enterprise platform for business planning. Anaplan is also the name of the company that created the platform. Anaplan is a new-age cloud-based planning and performance management platform with use cases in Sales, Marketing, HR, Finance and IT. What is Anaplan? Put an end to siloed work and uncertain […]