Mostly, the installed apps store themselves at /sdcard /Android/data or /sdcard/Android/obb. Some apps store their save games/configuration data files on /sdcard/APPNAME/, or just on the /sdcard/ To be able to use root apps, you’ll need to have rooted your Android device and have given permission from one of the superuser apps.
A query we ran across in our research was “Where do Android apps store their data?”.
See, Android takes a different take on storage compared to desktop operating systems. When you install an app (either from the Google Play Store or through a downloaded apk file), Android places that into /data/app/your_package_name.
Where can I find game data on my Android?
In the Android folder there are three folders i. In OBB smartphone OS store the setup files of the respective app.. In data folder Android OS save files of the app define could be the game data.
Some apps store their save games/configuration data files on /sdcard/APPNAME/, or just on the /sdcard/ To be able to use rootapps, you’ll need to have rooted your Android device and have given permission from one of the superuser apps.
What type of data should I store in my App?
If you have data that’s only meaningful for your app, use app-specific storage. For shareable media content, use shared storage so that other apps can access the content. For structured data, use either preferences (for key-value data) or a database (for data that contains more than 2 columns). Should the data be private to your app?
What happens to the data stored in external storage in Android?
If the data is in external storage, files can be accessed by other apps., and d. If the application is uninstalled by any means, the data files also get deleted. Shared Storage in Android In this, the stored data is meant to be shared among other apps as well. It includes data such as multimedia, documents, etc.