Your Android phone can scan and detect any nearby Bluetooth devices, including the Apple Air, and tags . We have to use special apps to scan all BLE devices within the radar and check if an Air. Tag follows you. There are tons of Air. Tag finder apps for Android out there to scan Air. Tag with an Android phone.
Does the tracker detect app for Android look for airtags?
Months after the release of the Air. Tag, Apple launched the Tracker Detect app for Android phones. Unlike the security features available for the i. Phone, the Android app does not automatically look for unknown Air, and tags. Users must initiate the scan.
Maybe in future updates Apple will consider adding more features to the Android app, but until then, Tracker Detect can help provide some relief if you’re being tracked by Air, and tag.
How do Apple airtags work with Android phones?
When you find a lost tag, you can scan it using NFC even if you have an Android phone., each air Tag uses random Bluetooth identifiers to anonymously communicate with Apple devices in the background to precisely locate the small tracker — all without anyone involved knowing it’s even happening. The same can’t be said about Android phones, however.
How do I Find my airtags on Android?
Apple has released an app called Tracker Detect, which the company says will let Android users search for Air. Tags or other Find My-compatible trackers, such as the Chipolo One Spot tracking tag ( via CNET ).
You might be wondering “How to find airtags around you?”
My answer was the Android Air. Tag finder app is really convenient, fast, and worth having. This is the only Air. Tag scanner that shows the Air. Tags specifically around you. You can buy the app for $1.49 from Google Play Store. Through this app, you can also find other Apple devices including i. Phone and Mac. Books around you.
What is the Apple airtag scanner app?
Apple didn’t immediately respond to request for comment from The Verge, but told CNET that the app “gives Android users the ability to scan for an Air. Tag or supported Find My enabled item trackers that might be traveling with them without their knowledge. We are raising the bar on privacy for our users and the industry, and hope others will follow.