Should I put google chrome on ssd?

Yes, install it on the SSD. Chrome as in the browser? The cache is never too big and you can just wipe it with ease. Some people worry about all the writes to the SSD and they move everything to the ol’ spinner HDD. I say if you are going to use a SSD, USE it and enjoy the speed it affords.

One way to think about this is, and worth it. SSD lifespan isn’t an issue if you get any SSD that’s made after 2015. I’d say any SSD you can practically get your hands on now is fine.

The OP asked of Firefox’s and Chrome’s effect on SSDs – about their RE-writing a lot of data to the system disk – for recovery of tabs in case of the app’s crash. Having used SSDs for years or believing that the constant writing would be noticable don’t quite hit the spot.

How to move Google Chrome cache and/or user data to SSD?

Here is How to Move or Allocate Google Chrome Cache and/or User Data to a Different Location. In my case, I want to move the cache file to SSD. Add the following parameters at the end of the target option. Here as an example the new location will be C: Google. Chrome you can however change.

Can I install Google Chrome on a different drive?

In case you don’t know, Chrome gives no option to install it on any other drive except the system drive ( i. e. the C drive ). And even if you move the Chrome application to a different drive, its data is still recorded in the system drive which easily accounts for GBs of space over time.

Does Google Chrome use a lot of memory in 2019?

Google Chrome’s RAM-hungry reputation was well known. However, in 2019, and in comparison with other browsers, it doesn’t always use a huge amount of memory. In fact, at times, Mozilla, Edge, Opera, and Safari all use more RAM than Chrome.

ITPro did a test last year using an 8GB RAM Mac. Book Pro and an Acer with comparable specs. To cut a long story short Google Chrome used almost 600MB of RAM when just five web pages were open. If you’re like me then you typically have at least a dozen to 15 tabs open, and multiple browser windows to make switching easier.

Why does chrome run on Ram?

RAM is part of the computer that retains data temporarily. It is much faster than storage, hence why the operating system and programs run on RAM. Chrome is developed such that it splits every tab and extension running in the web browser as a separate process.

Google Chrome’s RAM-hungry reputation was well known. However, changes to Google Chrome have improved browsers’ memory usage, especially compared to other popular browsers. At times, Mozilla, Edge, Opera, and Safari all use more RAM than Chrome. How do I know this?