Why are androids cheaper than iphones?

Android are made of much cheaper components, plastics, un-strengthened glass, second or even third rate internal components, which is why they are able to make a phone that looks like an i. Phone but has a much lower procetag. The price is lower because the quality is much lower. Is an android cheaper than an i, and phone?

Do androids cost less than iphones?

Android phones cost less than i. Phones across the board and, as you will see in the Hardware & Features section below, flagship Android phones have significantly better hardware and more features than i. Phones for less money. Apple nickels and dimes you for everything.

Why do people prefer Android phones over iPhones?

The serviceability of Android phones has been better (meaning easier and less expensive) than i. Phones for a long time now. Some Android phones still today have a removable battery that you yourself can take out and replace or service to your liking.

Another frequently asked question is “Are Android phones better value than iPhones?”.

For the hardware that comes inside Android phones, Android phones offer much better value for the money than i, and phones., if i Phones came with the same hardware as flagship Android phones, Apple would most likely charge almost double compared to what Android companies such as Samsung and Google charge.

Should I buy an iPhone or an Android device?

You get free software updates for years from i. Phone something you don’t get from android. Yes, you can presume longer life of an i. Phone over Android devices as Apple give regular updates of i. OS to older devices roughly 4–5 years olds. So you can use a device over stretch of 2–3 years without thinking of user experience or any other such thing.

Should you buy a Samsung phone instead of an iPhone?

Not to mention, the camera improvements should be more than enough to convince you to buy a Samsung phone over an i, and phone.

What if iPhones had the same hardware as flagship Android phones?

, if i Phones came with the same hardware as flagship Android phones, Apple would most likely charge almost double compared to what Android companies such as Samsung and Google charge. As you will see in the Hardware & Features section below, flagship Android phones have significantly better hardware and more features than i. Phones for less money.

Do iPhones last longer than androids?

, i Phones do last longer than androids. Build quality wise, No they do not. But software wise yes they do., i Phones (5s and below) use cheap glass and plastics in their phone, one drop on concrete from 6 feet guarantees the phones death. However apple does support IOS 11 on the 4g. Androids rarely support older phones.