Instagram Story video quality bad issues may happen for various reasons, including the Internet connection, the app version. Whatever the case is, Instagram story video quality bad issues are not hard to solve.
When you are on mobile data or a slightly slow Wi. Fi network, your stories may appear blurry. The reason behind this is that Instagram automatically lowers the quality of stories if the Internet speed is slow while uploading. Because of this, your stories seem normal to you while uploading, but the quality goes down after upload.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Why do Instagram stories have poor quality?”.
Some have found that for example if you take a still picture Instagram story camera actually took a screenshot of the screen view rather than using the actual camera hardware. That is why Stories on Instagram and other social media apps have poor quality.
Why is Instagram so bad on my Android phone?
This is an issue on all android phones, on some of them is worst than others, Instagram is not properly optimized for Android, and the biggest place you´ll notice it, its on stories. No way to solve it. If you need the best quality for IG, you need to use an i, and os device. I´ve been complaining about this for years now, still unsolved.
How does Instagram work on Android?
Let’s take an example of Instagram stories. When you open your stories screen and try to capture a photo or video. Instagram on android rather than using device camera hardware to capture the view, it actually screen records the view.
Why are my Instagram stories so pixelated?
If your internet connection is lagging or not stable, it may take a long time for the stories to load. When the stories are not loaded properly, they may appear blurry or not display at all. A bad internet connection can also cause Instagram stories that you upload to appear pixelated.
Another popular question is “Why is my Instagram story blurry?”.
Check Internet Connection If your Internet connection is not stable, the uploaded Instagram story videos might get blurry because they are not fully loaded. That’s not all, while you are uploading videos to Instagram under bad Internet connection, Instagram will automatically reduce the video quality in order to upload it.