Where android emulator screenshot saved?

Android Emulator Screenshot saved location Click on the 3 Dots on the Emulator options, this will open up Extended Control. Click on Settings from the Menu option,
Under General tab you would see “Screenshot save location”
Click on the folder icon to open the location.

Where are my screenshots saved on my Android device?

If you are using your Android Emulator on your computer for testing your Application and you took a screenshot and want to know where it is saved on the device, then here is how you can know it, Click on the 3 Dots on the Emulator options, this will open up Extended Control. Click on the folder icon to open the location.

How do I take a screenshot on Android emulator?

Besides using Android Studio, you can also take a screenshot with adb which is faster. Please use ctrl + s on Windows or ⌘s on Mac (while the emulator is focused). Your Desktop should be the default save location. Click on Camera icon that is there on the right to emulator in action icons list.

Another common query is “Is it possible to take a screenshot in Android Studio?”.

If you use the emulator inside Android Studio which is possible since Android Studio 4.1 click here to save the screenshot in your standard location: Show activity on this post. Click on the Monitor (DDMS Included) button on the toolbar — it looks like the Android bugdroid:.

How do I retrieve a saved snapshot from an emulator?

To retrieve the saved snapshot on disc, you have to go to the AVD location. In Android Virtual Device Manager, right click on your AVD, then show on disc. You will find a directory call snapshots Show activity on this post. There’s now a setting for this in the Emulator itself.