, and monday. Com hosts its customer data in Amazon Web Services (AWS) data centers in the US and as for January 2021, in Germany. Customers who wish to have their data processed within the EU will have the option to specify it as their data region of choice. Once specified, we will create a unique account for that customer.
, and monday. Com is a fully cloud-based service. Our service is hosted on Amazon Web Services infrastructure in Northern Virginia across multiple Availability Zones, with a DR site established in a different region. Certain backup data is stored on Google Cloud Platform.
Where are Monday com’s data centers?
Where are monday. Com’s data centers located?, and monday. Com is a fully cloud-based service. Our service is hosted on Amazon Web Services infrastructure in Northern Virginia across multiple Availability Zones, with a DR site established in a different region. Certain backup data is stored on Google Cloud Platform (US, multi-region).
Another thing we wanted the answer to was how often does Monday backup my data?
We consistently backup the data of our customers. Critical data is backed up every 5 minutes (this includes all customer data), and non-critical data on a daily basis. Attachments in your account are encrypted and delivered on a per-user-access controlled basis. We know the data you share in monday. Com is private and confidential.
How secure is Monday com?
All transmissions to and from monday. Com, including sign-on, are encrypted at 256-bit and sent through TLS 1.2, adhering to the FIPS 140-2 certification standard. We work closely with industry leaders in web app and infrastructure security who perform penetration tests and audits of monday., and com.
, and yes, monday. Com uses the following methods to encrypt customer data: Data at rest is encrypted using AES-256. Data in transit across open networks is encrypted using TLS 1.3 (at minimum TLS 1.2). User passwords are hashed and salted.
Does Monday have a desktop app?
Ask us anything!, and does monday. Com have a desktop app? Was this article helpful?, and does monday. Com have a desktop app? Yes, we do! We have two desktop apps – one for Mac and another for Windows!