The reason node doesn’t work is likely because of conflicts with the original node package linked above. If you want npm, you’ll have to install that as well. I agree, this is a bit of an issue but I don’t know why it’s happening. First things first, just create a symbolic link from called node pointing to the nodejs binary.
One source proposed the MODULE_NOT_FOUND error seems to happen when changing between node versions and some files are possibly still being cached. I am not sure exactly but the above sequence of commands work for me. Is this answer outdated? I got similar error also on Windows 8 after I have just upgraded node js.
The most frequent answer is; if you are trying to run your Node. Js application and you get something like this: Error : Cannot find module ‘C: Users, and memy_app., and js’. Then you are most likely trying to run the wrong file.
Why can’t I install the Node Package?
The node package is unrelated to Node, and js. See here for information about node : You should instead install the nodejs package. Then use it with the nodejs command. The reason node doesn’t work is likely because of conflicts with the original node package linked above. If you want npm, you’ll have to install that as well.
Can I install NodeJS in Ubuntu 14 04?
I installed the Node. JS in Ubuntu 14.04 by nvm by following this site Installing Node. JS Though I had the following problem as Then It works fine. Now the problem, I face is that if I restart or even open a new console, I can’t find the node again. V0.11.13 is already installed. Now using node v0.11.13.
Can I install RPM packages on Ubuntu?
The answer is yes. However, you need to be careful as it could lead to package dependency conflicts. Follow the steps in this tutorial to learn how to install .rpm packages on Ubuntu. To improve the stability of the installation process, we need to convert the .rpm file to a .deb file format.
Does ubuntu use rpm?
Installing software on Ubuntu usually entails using Synaptic or by using an apt-get command from the terminal. Unfortunately, there are still a number of packages out there that are only distributed in RPM format. There’s a utility called Alien that converts packages from one format to the other.
What is the use of rpm file in Linux?
RPM is a package format used by Red Hat-based derivatives like Cent. OS, RHEL or Fedora. The name comes from the RPM Package Manager (RPM), a free and open-source package management system for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in Linux. Is it possible to install .rpm files on Debian based distributions like Ubuntu ?
If you are using a descendant of Debian such as Ubuntu (or any derivative of Ubuntu such as Kali or Mint), then you have .deb packages. If you are using fedora, Cent. OS, RHEL and so on, then it is .rpm.