Why choose linux over windows?

Linux is more secure than Windows because of the way it’s designed and handles user permissions. This is one reason why most of the web runs on Linux. Linux, even with all the effects and shiny features of modern desktop environments, runs faster than Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

The ability to run Linux BASH commands in Windows is a useful feature, as are the virtual workspaces which allow you to run applications on different desktops. This guide provides an extensive list of reasons why you might choose to use Linux instead of Windows 10 because what is suitable for one person isn’t necessarily good for another.

Another thing we asked ourselves was: why do people use Linux on the desktop?

Linux gives you control, sort of. On the desktop however it totally sucks, and over time it’s getting worse .

If the question is “Why should I change” then the answer must be “Because Linux meets your particular need better than Windows/Mac”… and none of these features meet that criterion.

The OS offers powerful features to developers. The Unix-like system is open to customisation, allowing developers to change the OS as per there needs. The primary reason behind the popularity of Linux is the availability of compilers or interpreter.

Why do linux users hate windows?

2: Linux no longer has much of an edge on Windows in most cases of speed and stability. They can’t be forgotten. And the numer one reason Linux users hate Windows users: Linux conventions are the only place they could possibly justify wearing a tuxuedo (or more commonly, a tuxuedo t-shirt).

The community behaves more like a cult and seems completely disconnected from the reality of making something productive. Linux is free and is actually not even worth what you pay for it.

Is Linux more licked down than Windows XP?

Now Linux is more licked down than Windows XP. I spent the last 2 week trying to change to some other “ better” version of Linux. I chose Linux Mint because it was supposed to be the user friendly version that focused on actually working. In the Linux community the feature “actually works” is of very low importance.

Is Linux getting worse over time?

Meanwhile Linux as a desktop continues to become less popular and is getting worse even in an environment where Windows is getting worse too. I used to have the illusion that software was supposed to get better over time. That’s not what is happening.