What linux os should I use reddit?

Ubuntu, and its derivatives are a pretty common recommendation for most new folks to Linux; both because a lot of the backend gets handled for you, and because there’s such a huge plethora of documentation/forums/etc available already.

I would personally recommend MX-16, which is a polished distro based on Debian stable. It’s more user-friendly out of box compared to standard Debian, and comes with a bunch of handy tools that make life easier. But if you want to really mess around with the guts of Linux, you may enjoy Arch Linux, which is installed entirely via the terminal.

Moreover, what is the most comfortable Ubuntu version to use?

Antergos and Manjaro are in Comfortable because they are up and ready quickly and provide a great fresh install experience. As for the flavors of Ubuntu, I would put them all in the same category (Comfortable), but I definitely think some are easier to use than others.

Is mint Linux good enough?

Mint Linux works well enough for me. I switched to it from Ubuntu ~3 years ago. I would personally recommend MX-16, which is a polished distro based on Debian stable. It’s more user-friendly out of box compared to standard Debian, and comes with a bunch of handy tools that make life easier.

This begs the inquiry “Can I use Linux Mint for Discord server?”

Dont use Linux Mint, here is why (Source: The official linux discord server): • Not a recommended Linux distro due to providing little to no benefit over using an Ubuntu flavor and being generally more broken than Ubuntu and its flavors. • Has been known to mix Ubuntu and Debian packages, resulting in a Franken, and debian.

Is it worth it to learn Linux?

If you need to be convinced to use Linux, then it probably won’t work for you. It’ll be learning a new set of tools and a new way of doing things, especially if you don’t use terminal. App on Mac. Linux is a capable productivity OS, but it isn’t like mac, and os.