Linux is considered to be the most Secure Operating System to be hacked or cracked and in reality it is. But as with other operating system, it is also susceptible to vulnerabilities and if those are not patched timely then those can be used to target the system. Is it worth switching to Linux?
Yet you may follow some procedures to try to realize if your system was really hacked or not. First thing to do after suspicion of a hacker attack is to setup an IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to detect anomalies in the network traffic. After an attack has taken place the compromised device may become an automated zombie at the hacker service.
What happens to the compromised device after a hacker attack?
After an attack has taken place the compromised device may become an automated zombie at the hacker service.
How to check Bash history for malicious activity in Linux?
If you suspect about malicious activity by a specific user you can check the bash history, log in as the user you want to investigate and run the command history as in the following example: Above you can see the commands history, this commands works by reading the file ~/.bash_ history located in the users home:.
What to do when your Linux system hangs itself?
Were just reaching for the combination [Ctrl]+ [Alt]+ [Del] (Control Alt Delete). But if you try this in Linux nothing happens (in some distributions, like Ubuntu, you actually get the menu for shutting down your system, but this don’t work when your system hags or freezes ).
How to deal with a frozen Linux system?
Here are various ways to deal with a frozen Linux system. Kill an unresponsive program with xkill 2. Revive a frozen Linux system with virtual consoles (TTY) 3. When everything else fails, talk with the Kernel using Sys, and req.
What you can do, is to perform a gentle Linux restart. This is much safer way to restart your frozen Linux. To do this, you need to press: Ctrl + Alt + Prt. Sc (Sys. Rq) + reisub Just to make it clear. You need to press and hold Ctrl, Alt and Prt. Sc (Sys. Rq) buttons, and while holding them, you need to press r, e, i, s, u, b.
What key-commands should I press when my Linux box freezes?
If your Linux box freezes and simply won’t yield to any other key-commands, you should definitely try one particular key sequence before a hard reboot. The key sequence is popularly remembered with the mnemonic: Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring Alt+Sys. Rq+Rswitch keyboard to ‘raw’ mode.