Why was windows 8 bad?

Five reasons why Windows 8 has failed 1. Metro, aka Modern: An ugly, useless interface. Windows 8 brought nothing innovative to the desktop. Developers hate it. Legacy Windows 7 users aren’t moving. Tablet, smartphone, and desktop competition.

Windows 8 was never considered good, it was a failed attempt from Microsoft to force a new “layout” on users which almost nobody liked. Windows 8.1 took quite a few of the bad decisions back and Windows 10 reversed even more. If people are talking about what is better Windows 7 and 10 are usually compared, 8 and 8.1 do not even included into this.

What is Windows 8 and why do people hate it?

Windows 8 is not merely a garden-variety version of Windows for Microsoft. It is the company’s vision of the future of computing. And users hate it, with good reason.

Why is Windows 8 bad for tablets?

Windows 8 came out at a time when Microsoft needed to make a splash with tablets. But because its tablets were forced to run an operating system built for both tablets and traditional computers, Windows 8 has never been a great tablet operating system. As a result, Microsoft fell behind even further in mobile.

Is Windows 8 still usable?

When the 10th of January, 2023, comes around, all it means is that Microsoft will no longer fix any security flaws that appear. It’s not a self-destruct date for Windows 8 or 8.1; it will still work fine. Some of the popular features of Windows 8, such as “Tablet mode,” are being discontinued from Windows 11 onwards.

Is windows 8 end of life?

Microsoft will begin Windows 8 and 8.1’s end of life and support in January 2023. This means it will stop all support and updates to the operating system. Windows 8 and 8.1 already reached the end of Mainstream Support on January 9, 2018.

Does Anyone still use Windows 8/8.1 in 2020. I understand that Windows 8 ended support back in 2016 and 8.1 supported until 2023. I currently use Windows 8.1 daily because with classic shell (recommend) it’s basically Windows 7 SP2. I upgraded Windows 7 since its ending support in a few days and 8.1 is great. Better then 10 certainly.

Will Windows 8 be a success?

Windows 8 is entering a crowded tablet arena, but there is still an opportunity if Microsoft delivers. First, lets look at what Windows 8 brings to the table that differentiate them and could make them a success in an i, and pad-dominated market. For starters, Windows 8 tablets have Windows.