Can google analytics track facebook ads?

You’re all set to track the performance of your Facebook ads in Google Analytics. To start tracking Facebook ads in Google Analytics, login to your Google Analytics account. From the left side menu, navigate to Acquisition —> All Traffic —> Source/Medium.

Here are the steps to track your Facebook Ads in Google Analytics: Use a URL builder to create parameters. Define your parameters based on ad, ad set, and campaign. Generate a new URL for your ads.

Can I track Facebook campaigns in Google Analytics?

One key advantage of tracking Facebook campaigns in Google Analytics is that you can drill into the site behavior of traffic from your Facebook ads, which you can’t do within Facebook. To do this, you’ll have to create a segment. You can read more about Google Analytics segments.

While Facebook’s Ads manager (and, of course, Ad. Espresso) have a ton of great information about ad campaigns, Google Analytics can still give you more information about how people are converting, when, and why—and Google analytics often gives you the bigger picture.

What is the best way to track Facebook ad traffic?

Facebook Insights can give you a great overview of the ad performance, but it’s limited to actions taken directly on Facebook or captured through their pixel. Tracking your Facebook ad traffic in Google Analytics can give you a much richer view into how the users who clicked through your Facebook ads behave on your site.

This is why Google Analytics is the most popular platform for tracking Facebook advertising campaigns. Later, we’ll tell you about a way to integrate these two systems in one digital analytics instrument.

Do Facebook&Google Analytics really work together?

Goals, Campaigns and Segments can leverage the awesomeness of Google Analytics to reveal a ton of valuable information about your Facebook traffic. They take you beyond the standard reporting available from Facebook Page Insights.

For instance, you could have a “Find out more about my work” call-to-action that sends visitors to your website’s About page. When someone clicks on this URL from Facebook, Google Analytics will be able to identify and attribute the source.

How to get traffic insights from Facebook users in Google Analytics?

When someone clicks on this URL from Facebook, Google Analytics will be able to identify and attribute the source. I could get traffic insights from those who clicked this link by navigating here: Google Analytics > Dashboard > Acquisition > Campaigns. Then, I click on the website Campaign.